Similarities Between Anglo Saxon And Beowulf

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Anglo-Saxon vs. Modern Era: A Contrast of Religion Now and Then The cultural values of the Anglo-Saxons from the early Middle Ages reflect a somewhat different mindset than those we possess today. We tend to see more mockery towards religion and beliefs now, as opposed to how they portrayed such perspectives in the Middle Ages. The Danes and Geats in the epic Beowulf, considered God as an Almighty Lord worthy of man’s respect and worship. However, in the movie Beowulf and Grendel (Gunnarsson, 2005), religion takes on a less serious role in the lives of both the Danes and the Geats, reflecting a more modern resistance to faith. The time lapse from the epic poem to the movie presents a different approach to how religion was seen during the…show more content…
He gave a noble speech as he saw the ten men escaping from the violent actions of the dragon saying, "the shepherd of our land, a man unequaled in the quest for glory...As God as my witness, I would rather my body were robbed in the same burning blaze as my gold-giver's body than go back home bearing arms". (2644-2654) His speech represents the honesty he has to keeping his oath he had made for his Lord Beowulf, and interprets God to make that statement show what a true Anglo-Saxon figure he is. In Beowulf and Grendel, Wiglaf isn't even mentioned in the movie. His noble christian acts were not characterized, which had shown his true righteousness. After killing the dragon, Beowulf, dyingly voiced, "because of my right ways, the Ruler of mankind need never blame me when the breath leaves my body for murder of kinsmen". (2741-2743) Wiglaf gains the throne of Beowulf. Hollywood will take out scenes such as this to keep the main character at the highest power. Wiglaf was one of the most important characters in Beowulf, because he is what will lead the Geats as their future king after Beowulf has passed. He showed true Anglo-Saxon characteristic and they were not mentioned by modern day

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