Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

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Do you know you can contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) by kissing; however, these risks can vary from disease to disease depending on the disease and the effect that it can have one’s body. Did you know engaging in a sexual activity with someone who has HIV with active lesions and drainage through kissing can put an unaffected victim at risk? There many different types of STDs and ways you can obtain one. STDs are sometimes called STIs meaning, sexually transmitted infections. Doctors use the word “infections” instead of the word “disease” because people tend to think they have an obvious problem. Not knowing that many STDs often have little to no signs or symptoms. Certain symptoms surface 3+ hours to 28 days after being exposed.…show more content…
So, that makes it easier to overlook them. Some signs and symptoms are painful urination, discharge from the genital, and pain during intercourse. Gonorrhea first symptom appears 10 days after exposure. In some cases, people can be infected for months without a sign or symptom. Gonorrhea can grow in your mouth, throat, eyes, and anus. Signs and symptoms of Gonorrhea may include thick, cloudy or bloody discharge from the genital, anal itching, and/or painful bowel movements. Trichomoniasis is one of many STIs. Known as “Trichomonas vaginalis” or “trich”. This one in particular is more popular. Trichomoniasis is caused by a microscopic, one celled parasite. This infection spreads during sexual intercourse with someone who already has the infection. In fact, this infection usually infects the urinary tract in men and the vagina in women. It could take 5-28 days to be noticed which ranges from mild irritation to severe inflammation. Clear, white, greenish or yellowish discharge, strong vaginal odor, and/or painful urination are some of the symptoms. Different STDs and STIs share the same signs and symptoms. All of these STDS/STIs are curable with…show more content…
The age range for Gonorrhea and Trichomoniasis in 2013 is the same range for the data collected for Chlamydia. Females persevere in the STDs and STIs stated in this research paper. Unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, and sexual activities at a young puts you at an even higher risk. Latex condoms is the most protected form of birth control. Laboratory studies shows that condoms provide a barrier against even the smallest STD pathogens. Condoms are 98% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. Having multiple sex partners are very dangerous physically and emotionally. Teens who watch movies or listen to music that praises drinking, drug use or violence influences them the most. Other studies shows that boys who were exposed to sexual explict media were three times more likely to engage in oral sex and intercourse two years after exposure than non-exposed boys. But, nobody is exempt from obtaining an STD. The most dangerous STDs are the most known ones such as Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV is a virus and the first step that can lead to AIDs. HIV attacks the immune

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