Serotonin's Role In Diabetes Research

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Being writers of health topics has conditioned us to reflexively respond to any discussion of sugar with thoughts of diabetes. It is indeed the most showcased of the sugar-related disorders, and many people have been misled into believing that diabetes is the only, or at least the primary, sugar-related disease. This popular belief is patently false, and such deceptive simplifications are tempting to embrace. One of the lies perpetuating the confusion about sugar's role in health is namely the "sugar is bad for you" (e.g. sugar is unhealthy) lie. It is granted that most of our modern "sugars" are indeed horrible, but truly natural sugar, as designed by God, benefits human health in multiple ways. It is harmless to an individual who consumes…show more content…
It involves the closely connected relationships between serotonin, sugars, and health overall. This is the mother-load that we have wrestled with for years -- a pot at the end of a rainbow that ties almost everything together. Serotonin is much more than we were led to believe. The vast marketing campaigns of the pharmaceutical companies have falsely convinced most people that serotonin is a simple and well-understood neurotransmitter, which plays a pivotal role in states of clinical depression. It really can play a role in depression, but rarely in the manner in which we were told. What they have avoided citing is that about 90% of a body's serotonin is not found inside the brain. Roughly 80% of it exists in and around the gastrointestinal tract, which should make the point about how often and how grandiosely the pharmaceutical industry lies to us. When compared, serotonin's action inside of the brain is fairly insignificant to its other jobs. Therefore, anti-depressant drugs are mostly altering the gastrointestinal system. The industry does not even have proof that anti-depressant medications can cross the blood-brain barrier. The true brain connection is an indirect one from the gastrointestinal effects of the drugs. This will never be honestly cataloged to the public by the pharmaceutical companies for fear that their house of cards will…show more content…
Readers should notice the overall pattern of the drug industry deviously dealing with nutritional issues through chemistry, while keeping the patients completely ignorant of the truth. The sugar connections to their drugs and serotonin explains the way in which they have designed their drugs to be maximally addictive. Take for example that an alcoholic is not truly addicted to alcohol. What alcoholics are actually addicted to are the serotonin-effecting sugar alcohols. The pharmaceutical industry discovered this decades ago, and opportunistically used this addictive phenomenon to create a new class of drugs that would literally make patients endlessly beg for more. The intoxicating (sugar-effecting) pills make patients disregard their troubles like a strong drink would, and then the poor patients are never free again. The chemically-induced addictions are easier to foster and are more severe than those from

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