Sacrifice Mood In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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In the short story “ Harrison Bergeron” created by Kurt Vonnegut, the solemn mood was made apparent by the author’s expression of language and theme. First, Vonnegut uses a simile to describe the effect George’s buzzer had on his thoughts. “His thoughts fled in panic, like bandits from a burglar alarm."(24) This quote creates the mood for the reader because the author is explaining how his thoughts were going sky rocket. Second, Vonnegut uses imagery to describe the stress it has on you when you have a handicap. " why don't you stretch out on the sofa, so you can rest your handicap bag on the pillows, honeybunch." (25)This quote creates the mood for the reader because it shows that it is really irritating to have a handicap all the time.

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