Personal Narrative Essay

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I was as nervous as a mouse in a room full of cats while I was heading to lunch because I had figured out that while I was cleaning out my binder I left my math homework on my kitchen table. I procrastinated all night trying not to do it. So I ended up staying up till 2 a.m. trying to finish it. I knew my teacher wouldn’t be happy if I turned the assignment in late. I had to come up with a solution fast because right after lunch was math. As soon as I got to the lunchroom I went through the lunch line being able to smell the fresh baked pizza they made. After I got my lunch I ate my juicy fruit first then my pizza really fast. When I was done I raised my hand to ask if I could use the restroom. But instead I headed down to the front office to see if I could borrow the phone to call my mom because “I left my lunch at home” but I really called for my homework. “Hi, Ms. Shelly can I borrow the phone because I left something at home.” I asked…show more content…
Shelly replied I picked up the old dusty land line they had against the wall and dialed the number the phone rang and rang and finally then she finally answered. “Hey mom!” I said “ I forgot my homework at home on the kitchen table. Do think you could bring it to me as soon as possible? I have math next hour and if I don’t have it my teacher will be really mad.” I said frantically “ Sure honey I’ll bring it. How did you forget it in the first place?” my mom

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