Martin Luther King Unjust Analysis

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Laws are made to express the will that aims at the common good. “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws; however, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws, says Martin Luther King's Jr. His words absolutely tell us what to do in face of these two types of laws. Law and order exists for the purpose of establishing structure that allows social progress to happen. According to King, “a just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.” This means that laws intend to protect every social member’s rights under the principle of justice and fairness. In the American judicial system, we have access to two courts systems, one federal and one state court to provide citizens with the best way to have their legal problems resolved rightly. The entire U.S. legal system depends on the involvement and honor of citizens in the roles of parties, witnesses, jurors, legal guidance, and judges making the legislation and verdict relating to people’s will. On the other hand, an unjust law is a code…show more content…
It gives the segregator a fake sense of authority and the segregated a false sense of weakness. In the “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King talks about some unjust laws put into effect by the Nazis during World War II. We can never forget what Adolf Hitler did in Germany was wrong. They imposed a number of terrible laws designed to cause harm and punishment on the Jews. For example, it was illegal to hide Jews from the Nazis, and sadly many Jews were sent to concentration camps where they died. “Any law that degrades human personality is unjust,” says King. In other words, it downgrades the individual and makes a distinction between different groups of people. King considered it to be the moral accountability of people living in Nazi countries during the Second World War to pay no attention to any laws that were
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