Lynda Barry My School Analysis

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What will happen if the Americans wake up and realize that the United States is in warfare as in Syria? In the current society, the world continuously changes and people must quickly adapt to the dangerous survival. They are being affected by terrorisms, wars, and disease. Terribly, these influences bring their friends and family members away. As in Paris, over a hundred citizens died in the terrorism that recently happened. Nobody could imagine that he would be attacked when he was enjoying his weekend. In a blink of an eye, a teenager lost her friends, the parents lost their children, and Paris immersed in tragedies. At this moment, everything possibly happens and threatens the universe. Therefore, the individuals always concern about their…show more content…
A safe place is where a person feels safe while staying there. It creates the warm, safety, comfort, and happiness for everybody. Different from other’s sight, the author Lynda Barry’s safe place in “The Sanctuary of School” is her school. While she only describes her house with her parents’ financial argument, she depicts her school differently in a magnificent way, “my school was made up of about 15 nondescript portable classrooms…but it had the most beautiful view of the Cascade Mountains” (Barry, 178). At school, she feels belonging and happy as her teachers notice and talk to her. “The feeling of panic” and “lost” do not bother her when she is at school. Through the writer’s different explanation, the readers understand that school is the safe place, where Lynda can talk to people surrounding her and feel happy as she is taken care of by her…show more content…
My parents take care of me, supports, and motivates me to accomplish my goals. They always listen to me while I am sharing my emotions, and they give me advices to overcome obstacles. Therefore, I feel safe to have them by my side because they do everything they can to protect me and give me the best. I am lucky than the writers Linda Barry and Linda Lee Andujar as my parents take care of me and love me infinitely. In addition, I feel sad and sorry for them, as their parents are value appearance and finance rather than their child. In present, these values do not only affect a kid’s feelings, but also create a distance between parents and children. Seemingly, the distractions of money, criticism, and works presently replace the fundamental of family’s love. Additionally, this is the major reason that makes people feel instable and unsafe while they are staying in their own house. As the result, a safe place is where love can touch to the heart and spirit of every human

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