Jaycee's Criminal Behavior

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On June 10, 1991, Carl Probyn witnessed any parents’ worst nightmare. Probyn waved from his garage window as his 11-year-old daughter, Jacyee Dugard, rushed to catch the school bus. He watched as an unfamiliar car slowly pulled up next to her, and before he could realize what was happening, Jaycee was gone. Jaycee Dugard was taken from outside of her home in South Lake Tahoe, California by Phillip Garrido, a convicted kidnapper and rapist. Jaycee spent 18 years in captivity, living in a hidden shack behind the home of Garrido and his wife, Nancy. The shack was guarded by tall trees, a 6-foot-tall fence, and a huge blue tarp that was positioned in a certain way to isolate Jaycee from all outside contact. With no connections to the Garrido’s,…show more content…
Finally, drawing the conclusion that the children in his house were, in fact, Jaycee’s daughters. The Garridos were charged with 29 felony counts, including rape and false imprisonment. Phillip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years in prison while Nancy Garrido is serving a sentence of 36 years to life. When comparing this case to what was discussed in class, the best representation would be Classical School of Thought. The Classical School of Thought was introduced on the idea that all people have free will in making their own decisions. In which case, punishment can become somewhat of a restraint for crime, so long as the specific punishment was comparative, carried out correctly, suit the crime. Furthermore, The Classical School Theory argued for the need to improve the Criminal Justice System by attributing not only to the harm caused to the victim themselves, but also the harm that was caused to the society. By examining this terrifying event, it allowed society to critically analyze and bring forth questions as to why this occurred and what we can do to prevent it in the future. Secondly, we can come to this conclusion by using Bohm and Walker’s theories on myths of crime and punishment from their book, Demystifying Crime & Criminal Justice. In examining the chance of whether children…show more content…
There were several known opportunities for Jacyee to have been found, except, the police failed to fully complete their searches. Had the U.S. Parole Commission never let Garrido out of prison from his first federal sentence, he never would have had the opportunity to abduct, rape, or father Jaycee’s children. For example, it is known that “sex offenders who violate the conditions of their release have higher re-offense rates than those who comply with probation and treatment. Sex offenders who target strangers are more likely to reoffend than those with victims inside their own family”(Levensen 115). In which case is correct because Garrido’s prior sentence was for the same crime, as well as was another random kidnapping. In addition, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation(CDCR) supposedly paid over 60 visits to Garrido’s property, yet during those visits, not one of the parole officers detected Jaycee or her daughters living on his property; despite some obvious evidence. In fact, “A 2010 report from the California state attorney general’s officer later revealed that parole agents had in face seen and spoken to Dugard but also failed to take action” (abcnews). On the other hand, absolutely no proceeding was taken when a parole officer noticed the presence of Jaycee’s 12-year-old daughter who Garrido claimed was his brother’s daughter (which he does

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