Insanity In Hamlet's Precarious Emotional Balance

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In An Insane World, Sanity Wins. William Shakespeare, who had been written so many popular plays and those plays still exist till this very day. One of his best plays is Hamlet, a person whom hatred fills among his mind. Hamlet, knowing the painful truth that his uncle murdered his beloved father and his mother married the killer; in order to find out the truth, Hamlet has to pretend to be mad. The mystery still appears as a myth today, whether people believe Hamlet has become a mad man or this whole thing Hamlet is just feigning the insanity. In Hamlet’s Precarious Emotional Balance, Theodore Lidz analyzes whether Hamlet is mad through his closet people; Hamlet is willing to avenge his father’s death in any ways yet it seems Hamlet goes through…show more content…
Living in the world surrounds him with madness, Hamlet pretends to be mad so no one can detect his plan; but at the end Hamlet still manages to keep his sanity and humanity. One of the things that keep Hamlet from being consumed into madness is friendship. In Hamlet and Friendship by Keith Doubt, he talks about three kinds friendship that Hamlet has, one is based on loyalty, one is based on betrayal, and one is based on understanding. First Horatio shows a very trustworthy friend who keeps reminding Hamlet about his father but also makes Hamlet feel safe of sharing almost anything. “Horatio’s good will and loyalty toward Hamlet, his wishing for the advantage of Hamlet, is no doubt useful for Hamlet… with respect to friendship, Hamlet admires Horatio as a paradigm of virtue” (Doubt 1995). Horatio reminds Hamlet of being a good man, keeping his value and despite the fact that murderer of his father is now married his mother. On the other hand, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are lying to Hamlet about the fact why they are here, but sometimes they give very deep advices, as Guildenstern advises Hamlet “… the very substance of ambitious is merely the shadow of the dream” (II. 2. 273-275). Keith agrees to political obsession is actually consuming Hamlet as Guildenstern tells Hamlet to leave those things behind and live a better life, as he says…show more content…
According in The Problematic Relation between Reason and Emotion in Hamlet, Eric Levy analyzes Hamlet’s behaviors for his actions “Hamlet confronts a passion or emotion with which, through his own melancholy, he himself has been intimately associated, and whose influence on reason he recognizes.” (Levy 2001) Hamlet has been pretending to be mad to find out the truth, he has been planning the plot, and moreover he has been holding back his hateful emotions toward Gertrude and Claudius. For example when Claudius is in the church, Hamlet has the opportunity to kill the ambitious king, instead sending Claudius to heaven, Hamlet waits for the perfect moment to send Claudius directly to hell for his guilty action. This proves Hamlet lets his reason controls, which verifies Hamlet is not mentally ill, for a mad man cannot think of such details. Levy agrees on Hamlet’s emotions can cause his actions, “he allows emotion to provoke him to unthinkingly violent action, as when stabbing blindly at the figure hidden behind the arras” (Levy 2001). Most people think Hamlet is mad at the time, but it is difficult for Hamlet in order to kill Polonius, so he lets his angry emotion takes over his reason which gives him the strength to act. Hamlet does not completely shut all his emotions down, instead he keeps it all for himself, and in order to release pain of losing his father, his mother and his beloved

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