Head Cook At Weddings And Funerals By Vi Plotnikoff

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Murusa in "Head Cook at Weddings and Funerals" by Vi Plotnikoff, is described as someone who wants to mature quickly. She wants to be indapendent and do what she wants to do, she goes out and buys a wedding dress from "Page 332, Easton's- catalougue" (24). With out thinking aboult the effect it would have on her mother who has been "sewing [her] wedding clithes" (27). Marusa is also described as being a beutiful girl with "dark curls, sparkling brown eyes and tiny figure" (7). Her beauty attracted boys around the country comming to pick her up in their "fancy cars and pickup trucks" (8), she was considered by her mother because of this to marry well. Murrisa is also two faced she acts kind to her cousin when she needs her support, and at times

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