Glasnost And Prestroika Lead To The Collapse Of The Soviet Union Case Study

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‘To what extend did Gorbachev’s domestic policies of Glasnost and Prestroika lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union?’ Introduction: Even after a significant number in time the Soviet Union had been spreading to parts of Eastern Europe, countries such as Great Britain and USA had feared a new ideology being brought into this world. However it continued weakening and eventually crumbling in the presidency time of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 not immediately but it began to collapse in his power. This topic is very significant as the ‘troubles’ in the Soviet Union continued up until it collapsed and still had a major impact on Russia and Europe, as well as to discover the major causes of the Soviet’s collapse, however there are others including Gorbachev’s policies.…show more content…
The policy of Glasnost was mainly to reveal the government actions in order for the Soviet people to observe, basically it limited government censorship. Due to this many saw the corrupted actions caused by Stalin, this lead many to lose faith in Russian Communism due to exposing Russia’s brutal past. Prestroika was introduced in June 1987 by which Gorbachev aimed on restructuring the economy of the Soviets. These were a few of the main factors that triggered the collapse of the Soviet Union, however there were many more such as Gorbachev unlike former Soviet leaders was friendly with the West and many Communist party members believed that the policies of Glasnost and Prestroika weakened Communism instead of reviving it. Even though the Soviet

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