Flannery And Bambara

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The story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O'Connor goes hand in hand to “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara. O’Connor writes about the downfall of a southern family while they’re on a family vacation. Her story differs from that of “The Lesson” written by Bambara, who introduces three children that are led by an older woman to F.A.O. Schwarz toy shop, where they learn an important life lesson. Although “The Lesson” and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” were written by two different authors, they both present similar flaws in their major characters whereas Flannery and Bambara differ in their usage of writing elements. Toni Cade Bambara introduces the three children to a mysterious woman who lives on the block called Miss Moore. Immediately the narrator, Sarah, upon meeting Miss Moore shows her disdain for the older women. Sarah…show more content…
When Sarah and the others arrive at the entrance to F.A.O. Schwarz, Miss Moore tells them to go inside, but Sarah suddenly loses the will to walk in “I kinda hang back. . .But I feel funny, shame. But what I got to be ashamed about? Got as much right to go in as anybody” (58). Halting at the entrance, she causes her friends to run into her, while she remembers this feeling to be comparable to the one she felt during a prank at church. In the quote the word “shame” is repeated where it helps give insight to Sarah's character and enforces the theme. In the beginning Sarah is perceived as headstrong and doesn’t even focus on the idea that she lives in the slums. When arriving at the toy shop she is unconsciously confronted with the reality of her situation, but she places it into terms with the church prank. This implies that F.A.O. Schwartz holds the allusion of the characteristics to a church. Sarah’s reaction ties back to “The Lesson” theme where it contrasts to O'Connor's usage of

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