Experimentation By David Levithan Summary

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The poem “Experimentation” in the collection of poetry The Realm of Possibility written by David Levithan explores the world of teenage love of an individual name Zack. The excerpt from a poem I chose takes place in a sex store where Zack is trying to purchase condoms in order to have intercourse with his girlfriend Anne. Zack is also accompanied by his longtime friend Megan. The excerpt embarks upon him talking about his views and thoughts on how lustful he is when he is with his girlfriend. He explains his thoughts by saying how he and his girlfriend Anne are always looking for new ways to go in sex and how they have seen each other’s bodies naked dozens of times. The poem shows the maturation of the individual about how in the end he became less lustful and is just doing the…show more content…
This section shows the early stages of the poem of what Zack’s thoughts are on sex. In the end of this poem, he comes to a realisation that each time they have sex, it’s just an exploration to find out between love and sex. This sense of maturation and realisation of the individual is shown through the technique of David Levithan to write short stanzas to show the readers each step of Zack’s thought process and how he came to think that way. This short excerpt I chose highlights the beginnings of Zack and it plays a significant role to the whole poem as from the beginning we could detect how he has matured and changed the way thinks. Moreover David levithan names this poem “experimentation” as it captures what he is doing with Anne. This is stated as The poem embarks upon his realisation that he is doing these sexual experiments in order to find the balance between love and sex. Those are the critical poetic techniques that David Levithan have used in order to send the message across of the maturation in the teenage experience of

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