Citizing Orson Welles Citizen Kane

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Citizen Kane was Orson Welles first feature film, which he directed and stared in. The film presented a lot of advances in filmmaking, these advances showed everything from storytelling techniques, special effects and lighting, and the framing. Some critics have said that Citizen Kane is one of the greatest movies of all time. Citizen Kane was the first movie to show the audience the end of the movie at the beginning, which we see a lot of filmmakers use today. Welles would use flashbacks to give viewers a new aspect of filmmaking, I can only imagine watching a movie for the first time back then and not know what was going on. I also saw how he used mise-en-scene techniques throughout the movie, this was also something that hadn’t really been introduced into films yet.…show more content…
Before this movie we as an audience saw a very static mise-en-scene, actors and objects were mainly in the center of the frame and were rarely out of focus, if at all. Most movies usually evenly distributed, characters or objects during the scene and the lighting that was used was usually some type of three-point lighting and would split the scene into a foreground and background. A lot of these techniques are still common today, as a matter of fact I still use three-point lighting for interview shots when. “Citizen Kane made cinematic advances on many fronts, and its most significant contribution to cinematography came from the use of a technique known as deep focus. Deep focus refers to having everything in the frame, even the background, in focus at the same time, as opposed to having only the people and things in the foreground in focus. The deep focus technique requires the cinematographer to combine lighting, composition, and type of camera lens to produce the desired effect.

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