Brother Tarp's Invisibility In Invisible Man

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Over the course of “Invisible Man”, the narrator’s sense of invisibility increases when there is a superior influence absent. This is delineated in several instances in the book, such as when the narrator is embarking on his peregrination North. This was a transitional period in the narrator's tale, and when transitioning, there was no individual to provide guidance. The narrator also does not have a solid mentor during the downfall of the Brotherhood, which eventually leads to his ultimate demise - spiral out of control. Consequently, his awareness of invisibility had become so great that he refused to attempt to break free of the sewer that he was trapped in because he felt so insecure about his invisibility. The narrator's recognition of…show more content…
Brother Tarp’s old age and knowledge draw the narrator closer to Tarp. The narrator’s attraction to Tarp is evident in the scene when the narrator says “Brother Tarp, you get around and know the members -- how do they really feel about me?” (384). Placing this amount of confidence in Brother Tarp in indicative of the amount that the narrator trusts Tarp. A reason the narrator gravitates to Tarp is that Tarp acknowledges the narrator as equal as he, which helps damper the narrator's insecurity about his invisibility. A superior influence such as Tarp brought out the sensitivity in the narrator because he recognizes the narrator's human elements. In the events preceding Clifton’s death, the narrator returns to his office to find it abandoned, with veteran members such as Tarp nowhere to be found. On account of Tarp being gone, the narrator states “Everything seemed to be slipping away from me and I could find no quick absorbing action that would get it under control” (427). An experience like this is emblematic of the narrator's insecurity of invisibility. Once again, he lost the micro influence that was present, and the reverberations were too much for him to handle. With an influence like Tarp decamped, the narrator’s personality starts markedly fluctuating. When the narrator does not have a superior influence to provide affirmation of his consciousness, he comes less aware of himself as cognizant, and lapses into an overwhelming state of

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