Annotated Bibliography On Mastectomy

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Annotated Bibliography Heidari, Mohammad, and Mansureh Ghodusi. "The Relationship Between Body Esteem And Hope And Mental Health In Breast Cancer Patients After Mastectomy." Indian Journal Of Palliative Care 21.2 (2015): 198-202. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 29 Oct. 2015. Heidari and Ghodushi’s study seeks to, “determine the relationship between appreciating the body, hope and mental health in women with breast cancer after mastectomy.” The article’s research suggests, a significant linear correlation between body esteem, hope and mental health. The study results taken from 100 breast cancer patients, who had undergone mastectomies, indicated that most patients have low body esteem. Furthermore the evidence indicates, that “hope…show more content…
In her opinion, Burney depicts, “ ways in which women could use their lived experiences, the gender-specific fabric of their lives, to claim a stake in the body politic and a footing in the public arena.” Pécastaings uses specific examples within Burney’s Mastectomy Letter to show that Burney, “blurs gender lines” and demonstrates that, “the very gender-specificity of women’s bodies can become the site of political empowerment and agency.” She argues that Burney’s capability of controlling her emotions, in the prensence of men, shows strength. As well as referring to Burney’s ability to hold her breast to the knife during her mastectomy as a powerful display of self-composure and dignity. Annie Pécastaings article effectively interprets the cultural significance of Burney’s Mastectomy Letter, demonstrating the impact of Burney’s surgery towards female empowerment. However, Pécastaings fails to mention Burney’s strength was only found from her fear of her families pain. In contrast to Pécastaings approach to Burney, a more metephoric aspect of Burney’s Mastectomy Letter is discused by

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