And Then I Met Margaret Analysis

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And Then I Met Margaret is a non-fiction book about a boy who came from a place where his future was already determined not to go beyond what the mill town offered. The author, Rob White, shocked the neighbourhood by becoming a college boy, a teacher, and eventually a billionaire. He acknowledged that his success in life was not his own and there were people who helped him along the way, though not in material things but in something that mattered to him more – his character. What the author mainly wants to communicate with the reader is that we also have these “unexpected gurus” all around us and it is to our great advantage if we listen to them and let them help us know and grow our inner being. This book is definitely worth reading so I rated it 3 out of 4 stars. I did not give it a 4…show more content…
There are life lessons and principles that he would conclude in each chapter but not all of those entirely coincided with the synthesis in the epilogue. Some of them even contradict, but it may have been because of the way he wrote his sentences. Whatever the case, it gives the wrong impression to the reader. The title also gave expectations that got disappointed as I came to read the chapter about this "Margaret". I understand that it is a creative and catchy title, but it is also misleading. Next is in his introduction, which gives a picture of a rich man going all over the world and spending fortunes on meeting with professional life gurus to look for the thing that could fill an emptiness in his heart, only to find the answer lying just around him for free and for keeping. But it was inconsistent with the rest of the book, wherein the author told of “unexpected gurus” he met way before he became a billionaire. Then in the epilogue, he claimed that the emptiness was already there even while he was still a mill town boy, and it was the reason that he did his best to be more than

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