Alp Enzyme Lab

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I. Title Enzymes: What Makes Them Work Faster and Harder Than They Already Do? II. Abstract The purpose of this lab was to determine the effects of pH on the enzyme ALP (alkaline phosphate enzyme). This lab also determined the effects of enzyme concentration on catalytic rate, and determined the effect of temperature on catalytic rate. Neutral pH levels have the highest effect on the ALP enzyme, and a temperature of 23°C had the highest catalytic rate. A high concentration of 500 μL of solution D had the highest absorbance reading and catalytic rate. Average temperatures, neutral pH levels, and high concentrations of enzymes lead to increased catalytic reactions and high effects on other enzymes. III. Introduction – Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions inside of cells. They also lower the amount of energy needed to start a reaction. Enzymes usually bind to substrates and convert them to products. The active site of an enzyme is the part that binds to the substrate. Active sites have very specific shapes and will only bind to certain…show more content…
4 cuvettes were labeled as indicated in Table 1. Solution D was not added to the cuvettes yet. A strip of broad-range pH paper was placed on a clean, dry watch glass and immediately after mixing, a drop of each solution was removed and placed on the pH paper. The pH of each solution was recorded in Table 2. Tube 1 was the control. This tube was used to blank the spectrophotometer at 405 nm when the experiment was started. The spectrophotometer was blanked in order to set the absorbance at 0 for the clear (blank) solution. Solution D (enzyme ALP high concentration) was added and covered with parafilm and inverted carefully to mix it. The cuvette was placed in the spectrophotometer and the absorbance reading was recorded every 30 seconds for a total of five minutes. These readings were recorded in Table

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