Principles Of Eco-Agriculture

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Eco-Agriculture "Eat local produce even if more expensive to become self-sufficient." The Eco-Agriculture Councillor like every other Eco-councillor must pass the Eco-criteria of selection first, then stand for election and operate in similar methods like the others using similar systems and relevant departments but more suitable for the Eco-agriculture service. The Eco-councillor must be a subject matter expert in the agriculture and hold a degree in agriculture to understand farming and must have a successful track record enough to manage the requirements of a substantial size Eco-city. The following guidelines are to help understanding the Eco-Agriculture principles and concept. The primary objective of the Eco-agriculture system…show more content…
The Eco-stores gather the crops from the Eco-homes' edible gardens, the streets' berry bushes and trees, the fish from the Eco-rivers, the meat and milk from the livestock, poultry and eggs from the herd roaming around the Eco-rivers. The Eco-stores process the Eco-produce sell to the Ecolists and Eco-restaurants at cost price, but export the-the rest at market prices as an Eco-organic brand free from chemicals, genetic modification and harmful pesticides. One of the Eco-health principles is prevention rather than cure to save on higher cost for medical treatment. And most of the times, the healthiest is the cheapest. Most westerners do not eat animal liver, while it is cheaper than meat and much healthier! The Chicken Eggs has the highest quality protein and nature provided us with chicken to deliver them almost free and similarly cows producing milk. So why do we need to buy Indian or Chinese takeaway dinner or Turkish chicken shish or Mexican tacos that are more expensive than the purchase of a whole spit roast chicken or eating healthier food that is much more nutritious and contains multiple times more of the fresh local meat…show more content…
The local produce will always be healthier, fresher, of known origin, clean from hidden ingredients or dirt and above all help keeping the locals employed. Although Ecolists have edible gardens to grow their vegetables and eat eggs from their chicken, they might not like or be able to spend few hours a week gardening. In this case, they can ask the Eco-stores or others to help and share profits from the produce of their gardens. The alternative to gardening is to buy from the Eco-Store and cook, or for more convenience, eat at the Eco-restaurants at cost price to keep their outgoings to a minimum. Noting that the Eco-restaurants in the Eco-city are none profit making business and run by the Eco-city agriculture administration to enable the penniless or retired to eat without paying and eliminate the possibility of any hunger as part of fundamental human

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